Multifocal Contact Lenses
At Brady M. Palmer OD’s optometry clinic, we prescribe multifocal contact lenses primarily to treat presbyopia. Most adults develop presbyopia as they age, a condition that makes it difficult to see objects up close clearly.
Symptoms of presbyopia typically appear between the ages of 40 and 50. Before multifocal contact lenses became available, people had no choice but to wear bifocal or trifocal glasses. While there is nothing wrong with bifocal or trifocal glasses, some patients felt it made them look old before their time.
What Are Multifocal Contact Lenses?
Multifocal refers to contact lenses with different vision powers in the same lens. Multifocal contact lenses in Tullahoma, TN, can work in one of two ways. One option is having us thin the contact lenses at the top and bottom to ensure they remain at the correct orientation in relation to your eyelids. We also create multifocal contact lenses by weighting them to stay in place.
How Do Multifocal Contact Lenses Work?
These types of lenses invoke a simultaneous vision principle that puts both near and far-distance vision in focus at the same time. Depending on the object you are focusing on, you learn to ignore either your near or far-distance vision in favor of the visual sense you are using at the moment. Multifocal contact lenses come with either a center near or center distance design.
What is the Purpose of Multifocal Contact Lenses?
We design these specialty contact lenses to give you a clear vision field for near, middle, and far distances by manipulating your gaze. This gives you the ability to see near and far objects clearly at the same time, restoring your vision to the accuracy you had when you were younger.
Are you ready to see the world clearly and ditch your glasses? Please reach out to schedule an exam and fitting for multifocal contact lenses in Tullahoma TN today.